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New York Lawyer

Alex Hernandez Jr.
ARH Consulting, LLC

A National Law Firm

CALL 512.640.4099

Or locally call us today we have offices in New York City with satellite offices in select cities

  • Licensed Attorney since 2001
  • Beverly Hills California
  • New York City New York, by appointment, fully licensed in NY
  • Santa Fe New Mexico – fully licensed in New Mexico

All offices by appointment, we prefer Zoom and phone call appointments.

To run a successful personal injury law practice you have to have a strong foundation and group of experienced employees and lawyers. Our lawyers and employees have tremendous wealth and knowledge to handle your injury, litigation, business matter or really any other legal matter possible in a court at law. Our reputation precedes us in that we have built a national reputation as being the law firm that cares about the people. We even get referrals from other attorneys who know our reputation.

We are experienced attorneys, see below for our credentials.


ARH Consulting LLC OWNER

New York City, New York


Alex R. Hernandez Jr.

Licensed New York

Trial Attorney – Personal Injury, Mass Torts and Commercial Litigation, other litigation includes complex white-collar criminal defense, probate, and complicated property division in divorces.

Alex R. Hernandez, Jr. is an acclaimed trial attorney. With experience on the plaintiff’s and defense side, Alex brings a wealth of knowledge to helping clients with serious injuries nationwide. Having tried to judge and jury hundreds of civil and criminal cases Alex R. Hernandez Jr has various national trial lawyers accolades. The son of a judge and trial attorney Alex R. Hernandez Sr., Alex R. Hernandez Jr. has deep roots in the practice of law. Today he runs Alex R. Hernandez Jr. PLLC a national trial law firm concentrating on personal injury and mass torts matters.


Alex R. Hernandez Jr. has represented tens of thousands of individuals over the past two decades in :

Car Accidents – has represented thousands of clients in auto accidents nationwide

Motorcycle Accidents- has represented motorcycle riders throughout the country against negligent and distracted driving cases

Mesothelioma- representing mesothelioma clients nationwide who have been exposed to asbestos

Dangerous Drugs and Mass Torts- representing thousands of victims of recalled drugs

Dangerous Medical Devices – representing thousands of victims of defective medical devices including MultiDistrict Litigation matters nationwide for Xarelto, PPI, Hip Replacement, Mesh, Talc, Rispderal, and others

Offshore Litigation and Injuries including Oilspill issues on the Gulf of Mexico coastline.

Commercial Litigation – representing small and medium business owners with lawsuits

Breach of Contract- Has represented hundreds of clients in Breach of Contract disputes

Commercial Transactions – representing small business owners in setting up corporations, real estate issues, leases, and contracts

Personal Injury – record-setting verdicts in work-related injury matters – largest verdict in West Texas County

Toxic Torts – represented clients exposed to toxic materials in Texas plants

Pipeline Explosion- represented clients in South Texas pipeline explosion

Products Liability – represented client in a defective motorcycle case

Swimming Pool injury- represented quadriplegic in an unsafe apartment swimming pool

Entertainment Law- representing artists and musicians in contract disputes and copyrights

Consumer and DTPA litigation – representing thousands of consumers with issues in consumer, fraud and warranty matters

Thousands of criminal defendants and divorces handled by Mr. Hernandez over the past two decades

Professional & Bar Association Memberships


    Originally Mr. Hernandez was licensed in the State of Texas in 2001, practicing in Texas courts for over twenty years before suspending his practice there and moving to New York City where he has a full time practice.

    New York State Bar 2021

  • FEDERAL LICENSES: U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas, U.S. District Court Western District of Texas. U.S. Eastern District of Texas
  • MEMBER: Bar Association for the Fifth Federal Circuit, Corpus Christi Bar Association, Hidalgo County Bar Association, San Antonio Bar Association, Houston Trial Lawyers Association, Texas Trial Lawyers Association


2001 J.D. St. Mary’s University School of Law San Antonio
1999 Certificate in International Law – The University of Houston School of Law – Mexico City

1994 B.A. Economics, The University of Texas at Austin – Economics Student of the Year
1990 A.A. Victoria College

1989 Calhoun Port Lavaca High School Port Lavaca, Texas

Dhahran Saudi Arabia Schools – ARAMCO
Corpus Christi Catholic School, Houston Texas
St. Vincent De Paul Catholic School, Houston Texas
St. Gertrude Catholic School Chicago, Illinois

Direct Phone 512.640.4099

Mr. Hernandez is fluent in pish and conversational in French having won the French Award in high school and tutored French while in college.


Texas Born, Texas Resident
See Full Biography on Wikipedia Here

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